Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Road to Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Vegas

This post will be the final post to the blog. :)

The City of Dallas!

A turnpike?
The Republicans are taking your money!
Call in the Tea Party Express!

A Texas oil field!
See all the people manning the rigs?
See all the jobs being created?
Neither do we.
Texas: 107 degrees.
Yet another reason I won't live in this damn state.
Look at that!
Texas bought Memphis and moved it!
Robinson's Bales and Bling:
Because cowhands need to look fly for the honeys.
A Texas freeway.
(It doesn't matter which one; they all look like this.)

Texas landscape!
(It doesn't matter where; it all looks like this.)

New Mexico!
(Not Pictured: Rob and Erica pulling over to present their asses to the state of Texas.)

New Mexico Desert!

Got Photo Bombed by a fucking semi.

Desert! Lots of it!

Pretty Desert!

More Pretty Desert!
(It's not an oxymoron. I swear it's not.)
Arizona roadway.

Approaching Flagstaff, AZ!

Trees in the desert?
The New York Times is on it!
And now the photos from the Grand Canyon

Keep Right Except to Pass.
I'm not sure if this is a road sign
or commentary on the state of Congress.
THIS is the Grand Canyon?!
We drove 2000 miles for this?!
Oh fuck that!
We're going home.

Oh wait.
Maybe that wasn't it.

Wow! A big hole in the ground.

Look at what water did to the Earth.
This is why I drink soda.

Grand Canyon, yo!

If you look closely, you can see a faint white line down there.
That's a trail to get to the bottom.

Looking towards the West End of the canyon.

Erica grew metallic wings on the trip.

Looking up one of the many offshoot canyons.

Is it just me, or does this shot make the canyon look like it's under water?

Rob ignoring the "stay on the path" signs.

A hipster photo bombing Erica.

This shot helps give some perspective on how far down the canyon goes.

Unobstructed view looking west.
What kind of insane people would climb down onto the outcropping?

These Kind!
(Yeah, that's a sheer cliff behind us.)

I like this picture.

Arizona desert and mountains.
And a truck.

After the Grand Canyon, we headed towards Vegas.
But first a quick stop at Hoover Dam.

One of the statues at the Hoover Dam.

Memorial Plaque.

Hoover Dam, Hoover Dam,
Fucking Hoover Dam
(That's for you, Ashley.)

From the top of the dam looking towards
Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge.

Looking down the face of the dam.

Poor Herbert Hoover.
Known for Hoovervilles and the single-most-environmentally-destructive public works project in United States History.

Looking straight down!

Lake Mead!
(Heh, heh: mead...)

A picture of Rob in Arizona taken by Erica in Nevada.

State line.

Memorializing the workers' dog.

The Strip in the day.

Eiffel Tower: Vegas Style.

The fountains at the Bellagio.

The Vegas strip at dusk.

Notice all the cars are coming into Vegas?

New York, Vegas Style.
(Saw the real one: it's better).

The Luxor.

Rob and the Strip.

I wanted to stay at this hotel.
Erica wasn't having it.