Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gettysburg and the road to Baltimore

I can't remember the damn day numbers anymore. 
This is something like day 30.
Anyway, we were in Gettysburg!


We saw this written out a few times while we were there. 

Abraham Lincoln.
If you do not know why he has a statue at Gettysburg,
please don't talk to me.

This should help.

The Lincoln Memorial at Gettysburg.

The full Gettysburg Address (again).

The Soldier's Memorial at Gettysburg Cemetery.

The Front of the Memorial.
Lincoln gave his famous speech a little to the right of the monument.

Yep, The Address again.
The pictures below are all from the main battlefield in Gettysburg.
Looking out across the battlefield (from the vantage point of the Union position).

Union Battery.

This wall marks the Union Line at the time of Pickett's Charge
(again, look it up if you don't know).

The copse of trees that Picket's Charge used as a target.

Wow! Historic downtown Gettysburg has a KFC! (look behind the stop sign).
Welcome to Maryland!

1 comment:

  1. You two are having way too much fun! It will be hard to come home to the daily grind!
