Saturday, July 14, 2012

Williamsburg, VA-The Colonial Capitol

So after taking off from Washington DC,
We headed to the old colonial capitol of Williamsburg, VA.

Jason, Anne, RJ, and Kate have their own city.
Because they weren't arrogant enough.

These are the liberal stickers on the back of the car that will get us shot in the Deep South.

And in Williamsburg, we found a historic cat.

And a historic fire hydrant for their historic dogs.

Looking down the main street of Williamsburg.

Edinburgh Castle: not as cool as I thought.

The Kings Arms are Good Eating.
Erica approves this message of cannibalism.

16 Good Rooms?!
How many shitty ones?

Wait a minute...

In 1776, this is called transportation.
In 2012, this is called animal cruelty.

A historic squirrel off to bury his historic nuts.

Typical: Art always gets screwed.
The Governor's Palace.

Skateboarders: Facing oppression since 1776.


And screwed up the West Coast's chance for real mass transit.

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