Thursday, July 5, 2012

New York City (Day 2)

Ok, I really have lost count of the days. 
I think we are on day 27, but I'm really not sure.
Anyway, here are some shots from New York City (Day 2)
We will find some from Central Park, The Museum of Natural History, 
Times Square, The Brooklyn Bridge, and Barcade!

Rob in Central Park doing what people in Central Park do:
hold up lamp posts.

One of the many pedestrian pathways in Central Park.

One of the many greens as seen from one of the footbridges in Central Park.
I am sure you are all thrilled to see grass and trees.
But remember, these are NEW YORK versions of grass and trees.
Hey! It's a bunch of characters from Alice in Wonderland!
Alice looks creepy in bronze.

Rap: Supporting the Homeys since 1885.
The model boat pond in Central Park (it's famous, just watch any Romantic Comedy set in New York).
Look at this duck!
Look at it!
Greenery in Central Park.
Not Pictured: The guy waiting to mug us.
In this shot if you look to the left you can just make out the guy waiting to mug us.
Look closely: he's wearing a green shirt.

The entrance to the American Museum of Natural History
as seen from the lunch cart across the street.

Teddy Roosevelt flanked by what appears to be Ancient Ptolemaic soldiers.
You would think a Natural History Museum would be a little better about chronology. 

Both ends of an elephant.

Here we have Rob's ancestors.
Note the pronounced eyebrow ridge.

A dead child lovingly covered with rather vicious looking bones.
Apparently this was a funeral rite.
Exactly what did this kid do to deserve burial in a cage.
Oh wait, it's a child. Never mind.
Yeah! Writing!
It civilized men!
Women can suck it!

The implements in this picture are over 25000 years old!
But wait!
The Earth was created only 6000 years ago!
Oh that's right!
These are elaborate hoaxes and lies made up by scientists in order to do the work of the devil.

A map of the Ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria (before it and its amazing library were destroyed).

15th Century Peking!
Before the English introduced opium and actively destroyed Chinese culture.
(Stupid white people...)

A traditional Japanese house.
Apparently this is an elaborate joke about the height of Japanese people.

Bottles made by the "uncivilized" East Asians.
Thank god the civilized white people showed up so we can have this:

Indian traditional dress and ceremonial attire.

These documents are so dangerous that the Chinese Government has banned you from even seeing them!
So don't Google them.

Aladdin's Lamp!
Seriously, I rubbed this thing, but all that happened was
Robin Williams jumped out and started to make obscure Jewish jokes.

A Quran.
Traditional African Political Authority:
women often had a great deal of power.

Ivory hair pins.

Obviously propaganda created by the left to create sympathy (and votes) for black Americans.

Shackles and the carved image of a white hunter.
Western Europeans: fucking with other cultures since 1066.

Central and South American tribal sculptures.

More sculptures.

Jade crafts.

Woven goods.
A mighty fortress for ants and their allies.

This guy is ready for his speeder bike scene.

These are pots, not as they first appears, people impaled by logs.


A silver llama and a silver alpaca.

Angry fabric.

Baskets (sideways for your confusion).

Standing on the ground floor looking at the ceiling of the Hayden Science Center in the Museum of Natural History.

Looking out the four story high windows.

On a Neutron Star,
I'm a fat ass.

Looking down into the Science area.

This spotted skunk is doing something cooler than you could ever hope to do.


No yellow and blue spandex.
This is obviously not a Marvel approved Wolverine.

Honey Badger!

These balls are huge!

South American tribal masks!

Model tribal people.

This means we were not created by someone's invisible friend.

My rocks are huge.

I can't even begin to tell you how many couples walked around the gem room together
discussing what they wanted their engagement ring to be made of.

I think Superman's Fortress of Solitude was made of this stuff.

What happens when your mountain recluse has been screwed in correctly.

Yay! We're famous

Look! A Neanderthal!
And a skeleton!

This millipede is huge and will eat your children.

And humans!

Insert inappropriate comment here.

Many species of butterflies.
This polar bear is protecting this wounded seal from any predators
who might wish to take advantage  of its predicament.

Elephant Seal!
He has no desire to hear what you have to say.

These walrus lack their carpenters.

It's a Croc!

And an alligator!

This komodo dragon will kick your ass! cute!
A stuffed mouse.

They are wiser than you.

A model dugout canoe.

Beware warriors in wicker armor.


Armor and weapons.

This creature will wake you in your nightmares. 


Another Punk Dino

Triceratops: Skinless

An overgrown chicken.

This dinosaur's neck will destroy you.

Matt Armstrong's toy kit.

You do not want to meet this creature.

Follow the dots to the food court!

Our first stop in Times Square.

Typical Times Square boards (and Dunkin' Donuts!)

Time Square looking towards the Coke sign.

This person hates life.

Really the only sign that matters.

Here we have a dork and a mouse.

This is what passes for a lighter in New York.

The Little Tramp and Wicked? 
Somebody needs therapy.

That would be "the ball."

New York news/magazine shop.

Edward Scissor Hands!
Or the Crow.

Grand Central Subway Station.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.

The first arch.

Guess what?
If you wear black panties and a white dress,
you will end up in someone's travel blog!

Brooklyn Bridge plaque.


The East River!

The Second Arch!

Some lady holding a torch!

From Right to Left:
The Brooklyn Skyline, Erica, Rob and his gut, the Brooklyn Bridge, an angry walker, a girl hiding.

The Empire State Building as seen from the Brooklyn Bridge.

Looking back towards New York

The New York Skyline!

These locks are attached to the bridge.
They have initials and/or the names of couples!
Very cute.

That lady is still holding that torch.

So after walking over the bridge, we decided it was time for some authentic New York Pizza.
So where do you go?
Brooklyn of course!

New York Pizza!

Where we found said pizza.
The guys working here were so  New York that we just laughed.
Everyone's name was either Joey or Freddy.

Time to hit the Bar(cade!)

Holy Shit!
This place has alcohol and old school video games!
We got hammered and burned through quarters.
(I'm sure our parents are shocked.)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the pics, but miss the captions. You two are very witty, you know!
