Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Historic Philadelphia

So we had a good solid day in Philadelphia after leaving New York.
We decided to play in the historical section of town!

Graffiti Artists: They have things to do.

These people are doing relaxation exercises in 104 degree heat: good luck with that!

So this is the Liberty Bell.
If you don't know why it's significant, look it up!

The other side.

The Dali Lama likes this bell.

A replica of the bell used by women suffragists.

And that's how it got its name.

Benjamin Franklin's Grave.

And marker.

We found the bar!

Oh man!
You mean the Framers of the Constitution used to get trashed here?!

Inside the City Tavern (very colonial).

A dish!

Nom Nom Nom...
By the way, we officially endorse George Washington's Porter!
We were quite happy strolling through our next stop...

...Independence Hall!

In this room, The Declaration of Independence was signed.

It was also used as a court house!

In this room, The Constitution of the United States was argued, agreed upon, and signed.

It was hot that summer.
They did not have air conditioning.
Erica and I theorize that the only reason the framers agreed on anything
was they all wanted to go the fuck home.

George Washington would have sat up front (the chair is the actual chair he used).

Benjamin Franklin would have sat here.

A full shot of the tower.

Yeah. It was hot.

See you in Gettysburg!

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