Saturday, July 14, 2012

Washington D.C. (Day 3)

So here we have the third day in Washington D.C.!
Erica's foot is not happy about all the walking.

Our first stop was the Capitol Building inside of which were a variety of statues of prominent humanitarians.
Such as...


In addition to...

This is the inside of the Capitol Dome.
Apparently the dome is tall enough that the Statue of Liberty would fit inside of it.

One of the paintings in the Rotunda.

Washington and Jefferson in the Rotunda.

Alexander Hamilton

A close up of the painting in the dome.

A super close up of Washington in the mural (he is the guy in the purple blanket next to the woman blowing her horn.

This mural wraps all the way around the rotunda.

Close up.
This is a painting, not an engraving.

Signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Lincoln's statue in the rotunda.

Father Junipero Serra in the Hall of Statues.

Various statues in the Hall of Statues in the Capitol Building.

A ceremonial copy of the Declaration of Independence in the Hall of Statues.

Ceiling in the Hall of Statues.

Henry Clay in the Hall of Statues.
Clay is important in U.S. political history.
He was also apparently popular with the ladies.

Robert E. Lee.
So after the Capitol we walked over to the Library of Congress.
Ceiling of the Great Hall in the Thomas Jefferson Building (Library of Congress)

More of the Great Hall.

And yet more.

Looking down at the floor of the Great Hall.
Looking across the Great Hall.

Library of Congress

The Capitol Building.

The Supreme Court
(and look! It's under construction! Surprise...)

Justice John Marshall's chair.

Justice John Marshall memorial.
And if you don't know why John Marshall is important,
please look it up.

Justice Sandra Day O' Connor
Again, if you don't know why she is important,
please look it up.

Justice O' Connor's Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Looking up the staircase in the Supreme Court.

Yay! Losing our rights!

The ceiling leading into the actual courtroom (where no pictures are allowed-of course).

Rob at the Capitol Building.

Long view of the Capitol Building.

The Washington Monument!
And construction!
I think the entire capital is under construction.

The "front" side of the Capitol Building.

Rob on the front side of the Capitol Building.
So after the Capitol Building, Library of Congress, and The Supreme Court,
we headed over to the Museum of American History.
It's creepy medical equipment!

This was the original Washington monument.
Looks weird.
Just read the damn placard.

Plymouth Rock!

More Lincoln junk!

Once upon time kids under 14, phones were neither mobile nor carried by children.

Archie Bunker's chair and Bob Dylan's Jacket!

A guy who likes fisting.

Ahhh, modern medicine to the rescue.

Babe Ruth signed this ball.

The Negro Leagues:
Keeping the Major Leagues from being truly competitive until 1946.

Transcontinental Railroad spike.

Thomas Jefferson and the names of his slaves.
Puts things in perspective when considering he wrote "All men are created equal."

Slave shackles.

Washington's Dress Suit.

This is not a carpenter's kit.
This is used for amputations before modern medicine.

Slave collar.

In the Civil War, one battle was so vicious that these shots were removed from this one tree.

And the end of the Civil War happened at this table in these chairs.

The Berlin Wall!

Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz.

Comics, gloves, a baseball (signed by Lou Gehrig).

A quartet of Stradivariuses.

Abraham Lincoln was wearing this hat when he was shot at Ford's Theater.

Figure it out!

Edison's light bulbs. 

A school bus!

An older motor vehicle.

A light from a lighthouse.

A model Riverboat.

Yep, the original Superman suit.
Did you ever notice he had super-speed, super-strength, and eye lasers
but no clue that his underwear went under his pants?

Muppets! Old School!

Howdy Doodie!

Apparently, Voltron has his own memorial in D.C.

These are federally approved ducks.
They have security clearance.

I like the guard crossing his legs and leaning on a post.

Erica and Einstein.

Rob and Einstein.

This is where the drugs come from.

That's right, everyone!
In the United States, right now, an entire group of people pay taxes but have no representation in Congress.
So the city put it on the license plate!

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