Sunday, July 1, 2012

Providence, RI and The Surrounding Area

Day 23...
So we had a day to kill and decided that Providence, Rhode Island was a nice spot to hang out.
Wow, were WE wrong.

So this is Rhode Island.
Notice that it looks much the same as all the other New England states,
except the drivers here all drive five miles under the speed limit.
ALL of them.

I like that Providence was founded by a guy that flipped off the churches in Boston for being too stuffy.

Providence State House.

And again!

Providence has many beautiful historic houses!

This one is in the red-light district. 

Like this one!
That was later converted into The Museum of Art.
By the way, we highly recommend the museum of art in Providence.

We couldn't photograph even 1% of what they had, but it was an amazing collection.

For instance...

...all of this... just...

...the contents...

...of only... room...

...on one floor...

...of the museum's six floors and three buildings.

This is an image of Christ that hung over a church in the 12th century.

A Babylonian wall image from the 7th Century BCE.

Augustus Caesar!
(Yes, it's a Roman original)

Grecian Urns

More ancient Grecian works.

Grecian Helmet from the 5th century BCE found near Corinth.

Greek and Roman Money

A coin with Athena's companion owl.

The reverse has an image of Athena.

A diadem from the 11th century BCE.

17th Century Italian Painting

19th Century Sculpture
The African Venus

A hand-carved fireplace.

7th century Buddha

6th Century Dragon 

18th Century Indian God

This statue takes up one room.
It's from the 13th Century.

Egyptian Urns.

6th Century BCE image of Egyptian god

 So after spending two hours wandering a beautiful museum, 
we decided to hit a mall.
And what a mall we found!

Here's the entrance!

Here's the amusement park!

Here's the water park!

This is the food court!
(We aren't kidding about these images.)
(This mall made the old Oakridge look amazing by comparison.)
 So realizing that was a bad idea,
we decided to go play mini golf (like ya do!).
We had to LEAVE THE STATE to play mini golf.
(Apparently Rhode Island is so small that it doesn't have the space for any sort of golf course.)
And where do you put a mini golf course?
On Taunton Ave. of course!
(George Lucas would be so proud)

We found it!
Right behind a shopping center!
 We found a monster-themed, glow-in-the-dark mini golf course!



What the fuck is this!?

Is that energizer bunny tickling a demon with horn nipples?!
 Strike that, we found a disco, monster-themed, glow-in-the-dark mini golf course!

And just for added fun, in the middle of a 96 degree day,
a thunderstorm rolled in.
The temperature dropped to 70 in about ten minutes.
New England has weird weather.
And once the round of golf was over we returned to the amazing mall to see
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer.
Not a horrible movie, just pure fun not to be taken seriously, or historically.

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