Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Atlanta (Days 35-39)

So we spent four days in company of the Talley Family:
Anne, Jason, Katie, and RJ.

RJ demonstrating his reading skills and Kate talking to her babysitter, Rachel.

Katie demonstrating that zebra print is still all the rage.

Even more so with flower-print leggings.

Hobbes demonstrating that his eyes contain secret military surveillance cameras used to spy on the liberals!

Jason farted.

The Green Lantern preparing his armaments.
This man is eating Anne.
Not Pictured: Jason going berserk with jealousy.

Oh my god! Those people in that house are trying to kill each other!

George Washington crossing the Delaware.

That's it! The 1%ers have gone too far!
I see nothing wrong with this riviting job. 
The before picture in an alcoholics' convention.
The waiter told us not to begin drinking this until the liquid had stopped bubbling.
Sure glad he something, because I was about to shoot me some dry ice!

(And a milkshake)

Kids: Falling asleep anywhere since...well...always.
 We went go kart racing on Monday because Jason and I needed to relieve our childhoods.
Fastest time?
That's right, the English Teacher.
Why no photos? 
Because we were all driving. 
We did however take this little beauty in the arcade.
That's right, pay two bucks for a shot at catching a live lobster.
Notice all the lobsters in this tank are backed into corners.
Think they know something's up?

Grey shirt, plaid pants, neon-blue running shoes with highlighter-yellow accents:
yet another outfit that will embarrass Jason's kids in five years.
Thanks, Talleys!
We had a blast!

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