Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New York Day 3-The Statue, Ellis Island, Grand Central, and heading to New Jersey

So we wrapped up our New York trip 
on a day that felt about 109 by heading to the water
to visit Lady Liberty and Ellis Island.

This is apparently the longest suspension bridge in North America.
No, it is NOT the Golden Gate.

There she is!
Can't go in the statue right now (renovations).

A close up of the tablet.

I wonder what kind of renovations she is going through that prevents things from entering her.

Rob, feeling proud of himself!

See all the people?
This is the only f****** way to get to Liberty Island.

New York Skyline from Liberty Island.

The Empire State Building from Liberty Island.

The Brooklyn Bridge from Liberty Island.

A state of a creator and his tower (on Liberty Island).
Apparently he is handing his model off to some unseen squirrel jus tout of this shot.

The designer of the statue.

I tried so hard to convince her to give me a peek under the toga.
This was all I got: her foot.

Yes, that is really a "liberty" motorcycle on Liberty Island.

The Liberty Bike with the reflection.

Approaching Ellis Island on the ferry.
Not Pictured: the five hundred other assholes on this boat, none of who seemed able to control their children.

Ellis Island Main Building.

Erica hiding.

Racism: It's nothing new...

Main Building Main Hall

Oops, I mean "Registry Room"

These postcards show many of the trips that brought immigrants to the United States.


Immigrant Children.

A flyer for Dakota (the Land of Golden Grain!)

Immigration Editorial from the Late 1800s.

Another Editorial.
This seems familiar...

Another Editorial.
Seems contradictory to the sentiment of the Statue of Liberty.

Hey! Immigrants helped with unionization!

In the early 1900s, this was an apartment.

Remember it!

Asian-American Lady Liberty.

Naturalization Certificate.

Hearing room at Ellis Island for those needing further trial before being permitted to enter the country.

231 unmarried women on one ship?
Pretty good odds for the shy kid!

Holding cells for those whose admittance was in question.

Children awaiting entrance.

Immigrant Graffiti found at Ellis Island.

More Graffiti.

Registry Room from the second floor.

A pillar with graffiti.

A model of Ellis Island today.

One of the rooms in Ellis Island looks out onto this view of New York.

Statues on Ellis Island.

Hey! A teacher!

Yet another.

This gentleman represents one example
of the 2% of those who arrived who were denied entry and sent home.

While at Ellis Island, immigrants slept on these bunks.

Statue of Liberty from Ellis Island.
So we ended the day drinking in Grand Central Station.
A local New Yorker, pointed out the oddity below.
Grand Central went through a cleaning/refurbishing in the late 90s.
The black brick in this picture is how dark the station looked before the refurbish.

Looking out across Grand Central.

The Main Schedule.

New York Traffic!!
(As we head out!)

New Jersey! (Looks like a lot of other states we have seen.)
So we got into New Jersey early, and decided to head across the river to Philadelphia, PA.
First Stop: Museum of Art!

Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!

The staircase made famous by Sylvester Stalone in Rocky.

The Gods above the museum.

Looking out towards Philadelphia.
We visited the museum (which we highly recommend) but we were prevented from taking photographs.
Trust us, it was great.

1 comment:

  1. The renovation on Lady Liberty is to put in an elevator for those of us who cannot climb the multitudinous tiny little steps!
