Saturday, June 30, 2012

Boston Day 2-The Freedom Trail

So Day Whatever this was (22, I think).
On this day, we followed Boston's Freedom Trail
to see a variety of historical sites.

Marker and the red bricks of the Freedom Trail.
Boston is nice enough to put a HUGE red line on the ground
to follow through the city from historical site to historical site.
I mean look at this thing!
I don't care how hammered  you are,
you will be able to follow this!
The Freedom Trail has so many monuments, plaques,
and buildings along it's two and a half miles, we couldn't possibly photograph them all!

For the record, Erica's got the camera.
So I cannot be blamed for photographing these women.
Not that I'm particularly upset about it.

One of the many historically significant churches in Boston.

Told ya!

YAY! Dead people!
Historically significant dead people at that!

Holy Shit!
Mother Goose!
Hickory Dickory Dock.
I have a really huge...
Wrong nursery rhyme book.
Moving on...

Oh look!
Paul Revere!

And his grave!
Apparently he needs pennies in the afterlife.

Holy Christ!
Who's buried here?!
Oh, John Hancock.
Of course he would have the biggest, most phallic monument in the graveyard.

Boston Massacre victims.

It's that beer guy!
Oh, and he happened to be an important revolutionary.

Boston Tourists!

A really important building.
Sorry, I forgot which one.

Hard to read, but this is the site of the first public school in Massachusetts!
Ben Franklin and many others attended this school.

Very important building coming up...

The Old Statehouse

Explanation of how government in the colonies worked.

Explanation of the Stamp Act

And of how the liberal media stirred up trouble! (per usual)

Clearly this is all a ploy by those on the left to dominate the media conversation!

A map of Boston

John Hancock's clothes?
You mean the guy with the big phallic monument is running around naked?!

The Old Statehouse
The picture is taken at the site of the Boston Massacre

Paul Revere's House

The guy in the red shirt has an awesome handlebar mustache.

Paul Revere's Monument

And again!

This lady is playing a glass harmonica, just like the one invented by Benjamin Franklin.
This lady also apparently slays monkeys for money.

There's old BF with his Glass Harmonica!

The famous ride of Paul Revere begins with the lanterns in the belfry of this church!

I just told them that!

Erica's shoes, a metal grate, and the Charleston River below.

That river we spoke about.
You can see the USS Constitution to the far left (the sailing ship)

Washington's other monument?

This cow rocks out loud.

Sammy Hagar, Joe Perry, and Quiet Riot like this cow.

As does Dee Snider.

The USS Constitution.
The oldest ship in the U.S. Navy.

I'm sure Mitt Romney uses this ship as a point
about how outmoded the U.S. military has become under President Obama.

Some other ship with sails.

Dogs stub their toes?

Words to live by.

Just wow.

A tricked out, new fangled sailing vessel.

A United States PARK RANGER drives this car.
And yet they come after teachers, firefighters, and cops.

A lady in a pink dress walking a dog.

Everybody in this picture is just fabulous!

So this is the Bunker Hill Monument.
I think there's something like this in Washington, D.C.
I'll have to check.


There's something on the ceiling, apparently.

Ok, what seems like a good idea at the bottom goes all to shit about halfway up.

And then you get to this step, and you realize you want to die.

This grate is in the middle of the monument.
It looks STRAIGHT down to the bottom.
Yes, we are both standing on a little bit of metal.

But the view of Boston is gorgeous!

I mean look at it!

And the tagging in the corner!
How scenic!

Out towards the Atlantic!

One of the many streets in Boston that are cute.

Here's a change!
A Civil War Memorial!

These houses belong to a divorced couple,
I just know it! 
A tavern?!
Let's drink!

This is the only tavern in Boston that Red Sox fans did not party in when the Sox won the series after 86 years.

More random tourists!

The Celtics play here.

These glasses are called "Stalkers."
Might need to fire that marketing person.

Maine Lobster cuddles with corn
because corn is NIIIICCCEEEE.