Monday, June 11, 2012

The Black Hills and Mount Rushmore

Bellow are two photos of the Black Hills.
See the trees? 
So did we! 
It had been three states since we had seen real trees.

Dude, trees, seriously, fucking trees!!!

Above is a random wooden bridge in the Black Hills 
that is just cool.

Above is the town of Keystone.
It's the town only five miles from Mount Rushmore.
It's main industries are tourism and teen pregnancy.

Above is a picture of a blue Saturn.
And if you read carefully, you can make out the sign for
"Holy Terror Mini-Golf."
What happens on this course to make it so theologically devastating I do not know.

The pictures above and below look out across 
the Black Hills to the plains of South Dakota.
These pictures were taken 
of The Mount Rushmore National Monument.
Yeah, even parking was awesome.

Looking up at the entrance to the Mount Rushmore National Monument.

Above you see four famous presidents and two punx from California.
(Photo taken on the Grand Terrace)

Above we have Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, 
and that one president that wasn't nearly so cool.

Above we have Mount Rushmore's amphitheater.
(We would like to see a punk show here.)

Above is a shot from the Presidential Trail.
Below is Lincoln playing hide-and-go seek.

Above is Washington from the Presidential Trail.
Below is taken from the main walkway of the Presidential Trail.

Above is Grand Terrace and Amphitheater as seen from the Presidential Trail.

Above we see an olfactory system comparison.
Erica and I noticed that Jefferson has a HUGE nose. 
No, seriously, his schnoz was epic, 
and we all know what they say about guys with big noses, right?

Above, Erica smugly eating mint chocolate chip.
Below, Rob apparently disturbed 
by the mystical breast he is growing out of his stomach.

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