Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ottawa and Canada's Parliamentary Building

Day 12: Ottawa and the capitol of Canada
(Hey Kids! We got props from a Canadian for knowing the capitol of Canada!)

Erica says she has been looking for these since she worked on cruise ships.
Apparently the English love these!
Apparently the English need to get better food.
Erica-Whatever these are quite tasty!!!

Swampland in Canada?

Rocks, Trees, and an Empty Road.
Welcome to our drive from Toronto to Ottawa.
We saw a lot of this.

More rock! 
The UK: It's closer than you think. 
What the hell is this?
Something's closed and the Canucks want you to GUESS?
What the hell do I look like?
A mind reader?


Algae and Water!
Or for those keeping score at home: Algae and H2O.

Apparently Canada didn't get the memo that as you move closer to the Arctic Circle,
the temperature is supposed to go DOWN!

Ottawa: Where castles really exist.

Just a cool little building.

One of the many government buildings in Ottawa.

Count Dracula rents this place during the winter.

The Canadian Parliament building.
The big clock tower is Peace Tower.

Peace Tower

Elizabeth II on a horse.
She still rules Canada.

One of the wings of Parliament.

The main entry hall for Parliament.

Stain Glass Ceiling.
Apparently the various little designs represent the various subcommittees in Parliament when this was built.

Dude, why does Canada's Parliament look like Hogwart's?

Seriously! Why?!

If McDonald's were cool,
the arches would look like these.

Here we have the haunted eyes of Parliament looking down upon us!

I studied Latin!
I can read this!!!

The House of Commons.

Again, the House of Commons.

The Halls of Parliament.

Self-Explanatory Plaque.

One of the many memorial sculptures inside the Parliament building.

Welcome to the Mines of Moria. 
A Canadian!

A Lion!

Is it just me,
or does this look like the exit for one of the lines at Disneyland?

This section honors the ANIMALS that died while building Parliament.
Seriously, Canadians are the nicest people ever!
 Below are pictures taken from Peace Tower's Viewing Room.
Rob and Erica were BOTH in it.
So Trevor, fuck you.
The view from Peace Tower out over the Ottawa River.

Ottawa River.

See? Told ya!

The Downtown Map in Peace Tower.

More Buildings!

And even MORE buildings!

The Crazy Ceiling of the Peace Tower.

English and French!
Because Canadians swing both ways, don't ya know.

The Library of Parliament.

Looking out across the river.

More amazing architecture.

One of the wings of Parliament.

Holy Shit!
The Ark of the Covenant!

Oh wait, no,
My mistake.
This is a case in which the names of fallen Canadian Soldiers from WWI were written.
Stain Glass Window in Memorial Hall. 
And another.

Poem in honor of the dead.

The ceiling of Memorial Hall.

A book listing the fallen Canadian soldiers from WWII.

Peace Hall.
The glass windows are the viewing area.
BBQ? In Canada.
Erica drove 3000 miles from Reno, NV
only to see the same damn BBQ truck!

Is this sign really necessary?

A bottle a piece!
Getting ready to tie one on in the hotel room.
We be classy fuckers up in here!

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