Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pittsburgh, The Warhol Museum, and Niagara Falls!

Day 10:
The final day in Pittsburgh
The Andy Warhol Museum
Niagara Falls

Honus Wagner's Statue in front of PNC Park.
Apparently Mr. Wagner did other things
besides grace the world's most expensive baseball card.
Below are the few pictures we were allowed to take at the Andy Warhol Museum.
It's a decent museum, but it IS pricey.
Considering that Andy Warhol's estate was worth 220 million when he died...
I don't see why he needs our money in death!
The entrance to the home of the quintessential pop artist. 

We call this display, "Shitheads in the Way"

Warhold Sketches

Andy Warhol as Innovator
Rob as Judge

Silk Screen

Some more of Warhol's works

Jackie O.

Celebrity Silk Screenings

A very large man was driving this truck.

New York State!

Look Kids!
Buffalo is an All American Ciy!
And it must be!
Because it's named after an animal that Americans hunted to extinction!

Buffalo, NY.

Heading towards Niagara Falls.

Rainbow Bridge spans the chasm into which the

A view of Niagara Falls Ontario.

And the first thing we see in Canada?
Another fucking Casino...

The international border!
Look at those people on those people just PEDALING into the U.S.
Illegal Immigrants!
Call Border Patrol!
Where are the minutemen?!

Oh, and Niagara Falls of course.

Water being affected by gravity.

Looking back from Rainbow Bridge

This little guy was off to the left of the falls.
We will call him Niagara Drips.

Rainbow Bridge
370 feet above the water
Rob actually walked across it sober.
He was very proud.
Erica's going bungee jumping off a bridge when we hit Ottawa.
She's not nearly as impressed.

A lamp post.

Seriously, we could actually feel a little spray from this far.

Yay! Tall buildings!
But these ones are Canadian!

A tall building and a lamp post.

In Canada, you are expected to walk like a boss.

3000 miles to end up in a place that looks like Los Angeles?

Rob, looking like a douche.

Seriously! You can only walk in Canada if you look like you own the place.

More water!

And now we get to walk back!

Inconvenient spot for that.

Tall building!

Tourist trap and parking lot!

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