Monday, June 11, 2012

Mount Rushmore Helicopter Tour, or Rob Hates Himself

So to understand anything about these captions, you must first understand two things:
1. Erica has NO issues with heights and will try anything related to being up high.
2. Rob is a pussy.

Above we see the whirling bird of doom that will soon double as our coffin.
Below we see Rob sitting in the Bird of Doom 
preparing himself for the inevitable high impact dirt nap he is about to receive.

Above we see the beautiful town of Keystone.
(not pictured: Rob pissing himself while Erica hangs by her knees from the fucking helicopter.)

Above we have a picture of the "Pig's Tail" Highway.
No, really. That's what it's called 
because apparently Mount Rushmore Memorial Highway sounds too silly.

Above and below are four dead presidents as seen from the whirling bird of doom.

Above, eye to eye with the monument.
Below, looking out across the Black Hills.
Not Pictured: Rob shitting himself and 
Erica bungee jumping naked while singing Anti-Flag's "Captain Anarchy."

Above, Erica gleefully mocking Rob's pain.

Above we have two people having just completed their first helicopter ride.
We hit the bar five minutes later.
I'm not joking. Guinness was just down the street.

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