Monday, June 11, 2012

North Dakota!

Above we have a granite tunnel leading into and out of the Mount Rushmore area. 
Below we have one of the many Presidential statues to be found in Rapid City, SD. 

The sign above just may as well read,
"We know there's nothing to do here, 
so drive as fast as you can to get the fuck out."

Don't believe me? 
Look at the picture below.

Hey! Rob found the caption button!

One does not simply walk into Mordor,
one simply photographs it from afar and drives away.

Badlands, South Dakota

The Missouri River.
Not Pictured: Missouri

So unbeknownst to anyone we know, 
Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota is the most amazing thing on the fucking planet. 
If you require proof, here are just a few of the many billboards 
that line just 33 miles of I-90 East outside of Rapid City.

Free Ice Water?
Shit, we're stopping!

Because if you tried to be anyone else, they wouldn't let you.

They have Ice Water and Beer?
We nearly wrecked the car when we saw that!

Just in case you missed the first one...

I'm sure Disney would approve.

They have Ice Water, Beer, and Pie?!
Why don't more people know about this place?!

Fast Food?
I'm not running after a chicken just so I can eat.

If CMT ran a special on it, you know it's quality shit.

Huh. Five Cent Coffee.
Seems legit.

So Ice Water, Beer, Pie, Coffee, and Western Wear?
It's like the Mecca of White Trash!

In this one photo, are THREE billboards for this place!

And Donuts!?
Oh man, I think my pancreas just rebelled

But is it fair-trade coffee?

Wall Drug and The General Lee?!
Can life get any better?

Conoco and Wall Drug?!
All they need is like, I don't know, a Western Art Gallery to make this place heaven!


Fuck YOU, Starbucks!

Yeah! Screw Washington, D.C.!

Suddenly all that sacrifice becomes so worth it.

Wait. My mom's here?

YES!! We're finally here!!

We didn't stop.

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