Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Toronto and the Hockey Hall of Fame, Eh!

Day 11: Toronto and the Hockey Hall of Fame

Canadians: They ARE always polite!
They're comin' fur yer booty!

With freeways that have a 100 max speed limit, no wonder Canada patrols by aircraft:
Supersonic Aircraft

Lake Ontario!
That makes three of the five Great Lakes we've seen on this trip!

Yeah, you decipher this shit.

This is the QEW in Canada (QEW = Queen Elizabeth Way)
Looks like 101 N about Mountain View.

Mississauga Road
Mississippi State

Every one needs neon orange road paint.
You know, in case you wanted to play Live-Action Tron.

Canada has no tolerance for speeding.
So stay the hell under 90 damn it!

Look! Lamp Posts!
And a super-sized meth needle! 

Prepare yourselves for a whole shit load of pictures from the Hockey Hall of Fame.
Ok, THIS sport got its Hall of Fame RIGHT.
Put this on your bucket list people.

The Hockey Hall of Fame!

OH GOOD! It's not football in this place.

Mr. Hockey: Gordie Howe!

Super Mario!

802 Pucks representing 802 goals for Wayne Gretzky.

Old Jerseys!

Not so old jerseys!

Relatively recent jerseys!

The Oilers Dynasty Display!
The Sharks haven't won anything yet,
so they don't have one of these.

Hat Trick!

More Hall of Famers.


More Bling!
Erica was excited,
but security did manage to get the ring back before she escaped the building.

I know this guy...

Bobby Orr!
And if you don't know why he's awesome...
Yeah, you take a flying leap five feet off the ice.

Wayne Gretzky
Nuff said.

More true than we originally thought...
You'll see why later.

Look Kids!
It's the Miracle on Ice!

Some Kid named Crosby...

Same kid giving Canada a gold medal.

Don't mess with eight foot tall, bronzed hockey players.

The Sharks and Pens display cases!

Ok, this stained glass window is in the Hockey Hall of Fame!

What the hell could they possible need a stained glass window in the HOF for?

Oh yeah, to light up Lord Stanley's Cup.

The history of the Cup.

It's depressing to know that in this photo,
Erica and Rob are closer to the cup
than the Sharks have ever been.
(Yes, we really are posing with and putting are hands on the REAL
Lord Stanley's Cup.)

Now get your minds out of the gutter:
it's not that kind of cup.

Team Canada!

The Miracle on Ice: Full Display
When you click this link and watch this minute, remember a few things:
1) The USSR was basically running out pros against the USA's amateurs.
2) The USSR had OWNED international hockey since the 1950s
3) The USA teams had done essentially nothing, ever.
4) Even after winning this game,
the USA STILL had to win another game to win the gold (most people forget that)

That damn kid again.

CN Tower!

Sometimes "keep your head up" is the worst advice.

Canadians: They really are nice people.

If you ever visit this bar...

...look for this brick behind the bar!


This would be a ceiling of empty bottles of various kinds of alcohol stretching from one end of the bar to the other.
It's like an altar of alcohol hanging over our heads.

Can't even escape these assholes in Canada?

This is the CBC building (Canadian Broadcasting Company)
This is where the commie bastards to our north make their socialist propaganda!

A statue on the Skydome!

Outside the Skydome! 
Erica's feet.
She is in the CN Tower looking straight down.

And again...
Not Pictured: Rob getting hammered in a bar called "The Baton Rouge"

Skydome from above.

Lake Ontario

Either a model of Toronto...

or Erica's in another tall fucking building!

Oh look, the people look like ants from up here.

And the buildings look like Lego towers.
Not Pictured: Rob finishing his first drink, and starting in on his Bloody Caesar.

World's Highest Wine Cellar?
Oh that's right...
There's a restaurant at the top of this thing.
Of course, you can always do this...

This is the film crew that threw us off their set.

Because an unconscious revolution wouldn't get too far.

Toronto's China Town!

I wonder what kind of crazy scam the seagull is running.

Billiard's Ping Pong?
What the hell does that even mean?

Kensington Market!
No, we are not in a third-world country.

We are NOT in a third-world country.

And no, we are not on Haight street either.

1. We have seen HUNDREDS of signs for churches. This is the first secular sign we have seen.
2. Canadians spell "center" funny.

We were stupid enough to park in this building's garage.
Guess who paid stupid money for the right to park in Toronto?

Toronto: Worrying about the Air Pollution

Seems like a medical update on some guy who collects highways and express lanes.

The new GPS!
She knows Canada!

Two random buildings trying to hide behind the small brick one.

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