Monday, June 18, 2012

Pittsburgh! (It's better than you think!)

Day 9
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

So the condescending bitch that tells us where to go kept overheating.
Therefore, Erica built her a little house so she wouldn't be so temperamental.
She overheated anyway. 

Coming out of the tunnel into Pittsburgh.

Overlooking one of three rivers running through Pittsburgh!
 All the pictures below are from Jerry's Used Record Store in Pittsburgh, PA.
If you collect vinyl or 78s, you need to hit this place.

Even Isaac Hayes thinks you should go here!
An aisle of records.

More records!

Erica preparing to kneel in thanks for the treasures about her.

These are boxes of 45s. They don't bother putting them out because the store has too many.


And here we have classical records!

This is where the 78s hang out. 
So apparently when he has umpteen billion copies of a record, Jerry gets creative!
Any skaters remember "Don't be a Bozo!" stickers?

What the hell is Daffy about to do to Bugs?!
This record was marketed to children!
In Pittsburgh, "Will it Blend?" has been replaced with "It WILL fucking sharpen."

So apparently, this was when Erica decided to go her own way
and slide the car sideways down the middle of the street.

Pittsburgh in the Haze.

 The next few shots were taken from Mt. Washington:
the highest point overlooking Pittsburgh.
A good shot of several of Pittsburgh's bridges.  
Downtown Pittsburgh!

Heinz Field: Home of the Pittsburgh Steelers

PNC Park: Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates

The crazy train system used to climb Mt. Washington.

The name of those silly cars going up the mountain.

Downtown again!

Looking away from downtown.

Driving across one of the many bridges in Pittsburgh.

Ten to one this was the inspiration for Lord Farquaad's castle in Shrek.

Churches: They can afford nice views when they don't pay taxes.

Or until you forget grammar.

Just a bizarre mirror shot.

So if they didn't post this sign,
would truckloads of C4  just cruise through the tunnel all the time?
Also, is it just me, or is this sign vaguely dirty?

View of one of Pittsburgh's three rivers.

Under a bridge.
Not Pictured: Three guys urinating on a dumpster and the one punk preparing to mug us.

PNC Park

People in Pittsburgh like clarity.

Pittsburgh: Creating a new form of segregation.

The strip was 16 blocks away from where we parked!

Two comments:
1) Why did it take so many words to say,
"People needed a place to leave their cars."
2) Who gives a shit?!


Pittsburgh: Making sure your electronic device stays funky.

This guy told me he could fly.
All he said I had to do was pull his finger.
It didn't work.
After leaving the car here
and then walking 32+ blocks through downtown Pittsburgh,
I can't tell you how happy I was to see this sign again.

Erica and Roger from White Wives (it's a band!).
Apparently Roger likes Don Quixote.
Apparently, Roger doesn't suck.

Good Vegan and Vegetarian food at this place!
Erica and Rob put The Quiet Storm on their list of places at which others should eat.

Pretty much every house in Pittsburgh looks like these.

Except for this one, which is even cooler.

Much of the Batman reboots were filmed in Pittsburgh.
So here is a shot of Gotham.

And another shot of Gotham.

And apparently the Jetsons lived in Pittsburgh as well.
Who knew?

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