Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bangor, Maine; Portland, Maine; and Stowe, Vermont

Days 16 and 17: 
So after our adventures in Canada, we have returned to the United States of America.
The following three pictures cover all the excitement we could handle in Bangor, Maine.

Hey! It's Paul Bunyan!

Paul suggestively holding his wood.
A grocery store!
This and a Dunkin Donuts were all that we really decided to visit in Bangor.
Not a very happening place.

So we left Bangor and drove through the driving rain to Portland, Maine.
Friendly people in Portland.

Where we saw another one of God's houses.
God apparently needs a lot of houses because we see them everywhere.
I think God needs to house the homeless with all these houses.
So when your in Portland, Maine,
hit Commercial St. on the waterfront.
There you shall find all sorts of Maine staples:
Lobster, Clam Chowder, Oysters, everything!

It's a lobster!
These things really do look like giant insects.

Lobster, Guiness, and duck face.
Debauchery Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile.
I think I know my next travel destination.

A standard New England pub.

So in the standard New England pub, we met a gentleman who makes stainless steel roses.
They are intricately designed and pleasing to the eye.
I bought one.

One of the streets in the waterfront district of Portland, Maine.
We've noticed that brick is the material of choice in the North East.

Holy shit!
A taxi!
We don't have those in the west!
Oh, and more 19th century brick buildings.

Yes, it will.

More brick buildings.

And cobblestone streets.

More cobblestone streets and brick buildings.

Seems like a good place for New England clam chowder.
But do they have tacos?

Apparently not.
Seriously, the chowder (or chowda, as New Englanders call it) was awesome.
We enjoyed the oysters.
But neither of us were big fans.

Lobster traps!


A drizzly New England sky overlooking the bay.

More of the same.

Someone who apparently has to work for a living.

So Bob Marley is back, doing comedy, and is white.
I hate this planet.

The following are just random pictures of typical New England houses.

Norman Bates special.

The yellow door is nice touch.

New England lawyers have nice offices.

Storm doors are very big out here.

I was just able to get a picture of this house before it successfully hid behind a tree.

Picket fence and all.

Not sure that front lawn is quite big enough.

I like the front porch.
It's good for drinking with friends
and hollering at the neighbors.

This is a historical landmark.
A Victorian Mansion in Portland, Maine.
We couldn't take pictures of the inside.
I will only say that the family had some serious coin.

If you look closely,
you can make out the ghostly visage
of the original owner in the top left window.
Preparing to enter the Cave of Wonders.

This is a U.S. Customs House.

We liked these signs.

I just don't know what to say about this.
See the dog?
It seems that every business in Portland comes with a dog:
they ALL had one!
A gator handing out free ice cream.
Seems legit.

People in Portland, Maine want you to know!

New Englanders really are the nicest people.
They'll even elevate your table so you can better snort speed off it!

And then provide you with an old church to attend
so you don't feel so guilty.
So after leaving Portland, Maine,
we headed across New Hampshire to Vermont.

This is the asshole we followed through most of New Hampshire.
He would NOT pull over and let the fifteen cars behind him pass.

This is New Hampshire.

This is Vermont.
See a difference?
Neither did we.

Oh wait! Vermont has water!

And rain!

So we stayed at the Stowe Inn in Stowe, Vermont.
Because our rooms weren't ready when we arrived, they upgraded us.

Not a bad setup for $62 a night.

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