Saturday, June 23, 2012

Montreal and the road to Quebec

Day 14: Montreal and the road to Quebec
So we did some wandering around the Plateau Mont Royale district of Montreal, QC. 
We took some photos, did a bit of shopping, managed to be misunderstood by the natives.
We enjoyed falafels, hummus, and beer.
Just another day in French-Canada!

Pretty much every house in this district of Montreal looks like this!

And their alley ways and backyards have gardens (on the right) and cool little balconies.

Montreal is serious about being nonviolent.

Too bad we can't read French.
This looks important.


Danger: Zeus will strike you down.

The path up Mont Royale.

A massive staircase leading to the lookout chalet.

After a long walk up the hill, we find this guy.
I call this excellent product placement.

Downtown Montreal.

Looking out across Montreal from the lookout.

More downtown Montreal.

And more!

The major bridge into Montreal.
The city is surrounded on all sides by rivers.
 Below is a street performer at the chalet.

So apparently risque deer signs will lay the smack down on other road signs.

Take a wrong turn in Quebec, find a bridge!

Heading back after making a U-Turn!

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