Friday, June 29, 2012

Going Down To Boston!

Day 21: 
I assume
So we finally went to Boston!

And the first thing it does is rain fucking buckets on us!
Below we have the tour we took of Fenway Park.
If you don't know what Fenway Park is,
under what rock in which cave have you been hiding?
Same day. Not a cloud in the sky.
Boston confuses me.
So anyway, this is Fenway Pawwk (there's no "R" in it, ask the Bostonians)
On a side note, if Bostonians don't like "Rs," they must have made lousy pirates.

Looking down Lansdowne Street.

A Plaque!
That must mean...

There's a statue!
Ted Williams (the man, the boy is just some wannabe getting a hat).

Fenway Park
Opened in 1912 (it's 100 years old!)

Red Sox memorabilia.

It took me a couple of shots to get this picture.
The camera kept rolling between my legs.

They beat the Yankees in 7 to go.
And then won it all.

After 86 years.
I found out that the Red Sox won 10 of the first 15 World Series.

Fenway from just behind home plate.

The Green Monster.
If you are wondering what the stage off to the right is,
Roger Waters is preparing to play a concert this weekend.
Fittingly, he's playing "The Wall."

The Press Box!

Who would have thought?

So this is what we call a big fucking stage in the way of half the park.

Visitor's Clubhouse.

Plaque telling you what I just said.

Looking out towards right field.

From the third base line towards the plate.

The outfield grass.

Going up to the top of the Green Monster.

View from the top of the Green Monster.

Press Box as seen from the Green Monster.

From the Green Monster to Lansdowne Street.


Peanuts for $4.75? Really?

Like OMG!
They played Fenway?

Dropkick Murphys played Fenway!
Erica was very happy to pose for this picture.
Look at how happy she is.

Eight bucks for Clam Chowder?!
Does it come with a free pearl?!
(yes, I know that's technically oysters: just shut up and go with it.)

See that tiny red dot in the middle of all that green?
That chair marks the farthest any home run has ever been hit at Fenway.
The ball flew 502 feet.

The Right Field Budweiser Pavilion.

From the Luxury Suites!

Press Box view.

And again.

And I'm sure by now most of you are like,
"Who gives a shit?!"

And so to make it better for you...

...I give you a man playing baseball in a towel.

The Green Monster from the upper deck.
Scoreboard and "The Well"

Bud Pavilion

From Right Field

The Red Sox have a museum.
Here are balls signed by every player on the World Series winning team for the last 80 years
(the rest are in the case next to this one).

Vintage Red Sox bats

I liked this part of the tour.

Yes, that's one of Babe Ruth's bats.

And a ball he signed.

1930s glove.

Roger Clemens' 1986 Cy Young Award.

This one is for anyone from San Jose.
I found the Cactus Club.

A member of the Dropkick Murphys owns this place.

They didn't know my name.
They weren't glad I came.
In fact, they were closed for a private party.

But the menu looks promising!

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